Following are groups and classes where you may connect with others in the church.
In addition to Sunday School, FUMC offers a number of small groups designed to help you grow and prosper in your faith.
Spiritual Gifts Group: Sunday Evenings @ 6:30pm. This study explores spiritual gifts as a means to Christian service. Heather Pennel leads this group. For more information, please contact the office at 731-772-0365.
Men's Coffee Group: Monday - Saturday @ 9:00am. This group meets to dialogue around a number of issues and just enjoy one another's fellowship.
United Methodist Men: Sunday, August 14 @ 8:15am. The men's group meets for breakfast, program and meeting.
Pastor's Study: Wednesdays @ 6:15pm. We will study "The Mission of Jesus: Triumph of God's Kingdom in a world of chaos," for five weeks beginning August 24th. This study will take us to various sites in Israel where the video was filmed. This will enable us to make a connection between Scripture and the archaeology of the respective sites. This group will meet in the Harold Stanley Room, 2nd floor of the new addition.
Men's Study: Led by Jamie Carpenter, this group will be studying Adam hamilton's Making Sense of the Bible. This group will have an honest conversation about the Bible and will find this refreshingly accessible as questions and ideas surfacing from scripture are looked at. This group will meet in the conference room in the office.
Women's Study: This study will begin after Labor Day. It will meet in the Evergreen Room.
GriefShare: Mondays at 5:00pm. This is a wonderful group for people who have suffered a loss in their families. This group meets in the small conference room in the church office.
Prayer Breakfast: Wednesdays @ 7:00am. This group is open to anyone who wants to come. This is a time of lifting prayer concerns, breaking bread together, and simply enjoying one another's company. This group will start back August 17th.
Tween Time/Grades 4-5: Led by Andrea Smothers, this time focuses on applyig what is discovered in Confirmation, Sunday School, and Worship to everyday life.
MIddle & High School Youth: Our youth (grades 6-12) meet together and seperately focusing on everything from real-life issues to scripture series, to nights of fun & games. Leaders are Sammy Tillman, Michael banks, Andrew Russell, Emily Carpenter, Abby Nichols, Clark Converse, Mamie Converse, Joey Geter, Sue Geter & Houston Cozart.
- Men's Group meets Monday through Saturday for coffee and fellowship @ 9am in Culver Hall.
- McKinney Pals meets for dinner and fellowship on the third Thursday evening of each month @ 6pm in Culver Hall.
- United Methodist Women meets the 2nd Monday of each month beginning in Setember.
- United Methodist Men meets the 2nd Sunday of each month for breakfast and fellowship at 8:15am.
- Out and Abouters meet occasionally to arrange area outtings, etc.
- Youth Group meets on Wednesday night following the fellowship dinner @ 5:15pm. Their class meets at 6:15pm.
- Children's Ministry meets on Wednesday night following the fellowship dinner @ 5:15pm. Their class meets at 6:15pm.
- Age-appropriate Sunday School Classes meet at 9:15am on Sunday mornings.
- Small Groups meet to discuss a variety of subject matters. These groups meet at diferent times and places.
- Sunday Worship @ 10:30am
- Wednesday Night Live Fellowship Dinner @ 5:15pm